
Section 4 Q14

14. There are cogs around the circumference of a wheel and each cog is ∏/ 16 centimeter wide with a space of ∏/ 16 centimeter between consecutive cogs, as shown above. How many cogs of this size, with the same space between any two consecutive cogs, fit on a wheel with diameter 6 centimeters?
(A) 96
(B) 64
(C) 48
(D) 32
(E) 24

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  1. Perimeter of wheel = 2∏r = 2∏ * 3 = 6∏ centimeter.

    There is one cog in distance of ∏/16 + ∏/16 = ∏/8

    hence total number of cogs = 6∏ /(∏/8) = 48
