
Section1 Q20

20. If y ≠ 3 and 3x/y is a prime integer greater than 2, which of the following must be true?
Ⅰ. x = y
Ⅱ. y = 1
Ⅲ. x and y are prime integers.
(A) None
(B) Ⅰ only
(C) Ⅱonly
(D) Ⅲonly
(E) Ⅰand Ⅲ

Answer: A

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  1. B. 3X/Y should be 3. it means x=y.

    Y =1 may or may not be true. to tell this we have to know the x value. since we do not the x value, Y=1 is uncertain.

    looking at the answers B is right.

  2. Yes Bala.. You are right. B should be the answer.

  3. No, if we take x=14 & y=6, then we get 7 which is a prime number.
